
Pet Sitter and Dog Walker

2 fois favoris
5 clients réguliers
Je vis avec 2 chats
Répond habituellement dans les un jour
Il y a 4 jour
Dernière activité
Temps de réponse
Promenade chien
Promenades de 30 minutes minimum
10 CAD par animal supplémentaire
25 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs

À propos de Emma

Hi, my name is Emma, and I have been pet sitting for over 5 years now. I have experience with dogs of all sizes, cats, fish, guinea pigs, birds, and bunnies. 

I love being around animals. Working with them can be chaotic, but also incredibly rewarding. The memories we share with them are unique and wonderful. 

Growing up I had a dog named Wilbur. He passed away in 2019, but I made him a promise to not only work with animals but to take in those in need when I have the opportunity. 

Since having Wilbur, I have had experience with dogs of various breeds from Rottweilers, Golden's, and Shih Tzu's. That includes walking in all types of weather, reporting what happens during their walks, socializing, playing, feeding, and dealing with behavioural issues/trauma. 

I have been cat sitting for years as well, I have experience with numerous breeds. Most of them have been rescues so they all have their own quirks and social batteries. Their care includes playing/bonding, scooping their litter, washing dishes, cleaning their litter areas, feeding, resetting environments, and giving treats. 

My experience with fish is feeding them on schedule. I have had Bettas throughout my life, in addition to guppies, cories, and snails. So tank cleaning, veggie prep, etc I am experienced in too. 

My experience with birds is feeding them on schedule (fruit prep), giving them treats, refilling water, refilling pellets, cleaning trays, setting up nectar, and providing them with socialization whether that be talking or playing music. 

I currently have two rescue cats of my own. I also walk my sister's dog while she is at school. Like above that involves reports of how the walk went and positive reinforcement. I additionally watch her occasionally so that includes feeding, brushing, playing, walking, and enrichment time. I also have experience with handling separation anxiety, and that varies from interaction adaptations to securing the environment to prevent harm and destruction. 

When I pet sit or house sit, I can also do other tasks like laundry (for pets), dishes, general tidying (sweeping and garbage removal), and bringing the mail inside. If things like the water meter need to be checked or plants need to be watered, please let me know prior to booking. 

I prefer pet sitting out of my residence, as I live with relatives that have allergies and a reactive dog. Preferably all pets should be vaccinated and up to date on their vet visits prior to any extended pet sitting or house sitting. 

In relation to administering medication, I am experienced with oral and topical treatments, but I do not feel comfortable administering shots like insulin as that is something I have no experience with. 

Please keep in mind that if you are contacting me predominantly by phone call to schedule a time. I may not be available throughout the day at points due to prior commitments and priorities. Setting a time ensures that we both know when to expect our contact time. All updates will be provided after every visited as per normal. 

Les services de Emma

À votre domicile

Promenade chien
Le gardien viendra chercher votre chien à votre domicile et le promènera pendant au moins 30 minutes
10 CAD par animal supplémentaire
25 CAD
Une visite à domicile par jour
Réservez un gardien qui rendra visite à votre animal chez vous afin de le nourrir et jouer avec lui
30 CAD
Garde maison
Le gardien logera à votre domicile pendant votre abscence
80 CAD
Deux visites à domicile par jour
Deux visites à domicile par jour
60 CAD

Emma offre aussi

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.


Description exacte
Soins des animaux
Visites à domicile
Melodie, 2024-07-08

Emma looked after my birds with care.

Visites à domicile
Melodie, 2024-07-08

Emma looked after my birds with care.

next page


Les animaux de Emma



Compétences Spécifiques

Je parle Anglais
+5 années d'expérience
I have been dog walking for over five years now. I have worked with a variety of sizes and breeds. I always follow up each walk with a report as to how it went. I.e., how many times they pooped/peed, if anything looked off with their bowel movement, interactions with other dogs and people, and overall their behavior on the walk. In addition to that I have also been watching cats for around the same time, and currently have a reoccurring set of cats that I watch. They are rescues and prefer to keep to themselves. However, they do have a feeding schedule and I stick to that. It is a stay in position, so I also collect her mail and do the cats dishes. I did some volunteering with a rescue organization too. So I am famwith cats that have behavioral issues.

Expérience avec

Bénévole pour la protection des animaux
Sauvetage d'animaux
Problèmes de comportement


Entretien téléphonique


Pet Sitter and Dog Walker

Promenade chien
Promenades de 30 minutes minimum
10 CAD par animal supplémentaire
25 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs
Contacter Emma

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.

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Contacter Emma