
Provides Undivided Attention & Love

7 fois favoris
1 client régulier
Répond habituellement dans les un jour
il y a 51semaines
Dernière activité
Temps de réponse
Une visite à domicile par jour
Visites de 30 minutes minumum à votre domicile
28 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs

À propos de Patricia


Insured & Bonded by PROfur, insurance for pet care professionals.


Registered with The City Of Calgary

(Working permit & Business Licence)


Certified Pet First Aid & Off The Grid safety training, through WalksN’Wags.


Member of Pet Sitters International (PSI)

Certified Professional Pet Sitter (CPPS)


Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP)

Karen Pryor Academy, Dog Trainer Professional graduate.


Covid-19 & Community Safety

By now, we have all realized that the threat of Covid-19/ Flu/ RSV/ etc. is based on our own health and unique risk factors.

Navigating the pandemic over these past few years has consisted of careful considerations, critical thinking, risk assessment, deepened awareness of others, and so much patience.

Kindness, awareness, and willingness to be respectful towards each other is all I can ask for.

If you are sick, please be transparent.

On a daily basis I interact with loved ones who are immunocompromised, and those who are considered high risk.

Transparency, consent, and clear communication are paramount to the way I operate. And I graciously expect this to be a two-way street. Thank you.



The ideal Meet & Greet process would begin no less than 1 month prior to hiring me to support you with meeting your animals needs.

Even more advanced notice is best, in order to secure a spot for your animal, but most importantly to allow for ample time to ensure that we are indeed a good fit for each other.

If you are not a regular client of mine, and have not already fully participated in a screening process and meet & greet, I reserve the right to not accept last minute bookings or your booking request in general.

🟣 STEP 1:

We set up a virtual meeting (30 min).

I then encourage owners to think things over for 24 hrs, to look into all their options, and to address any questions/concerns. When hiring a solo pet sitter, it is important to have multiple reliable pet sitter’s in your corner. Solo pet sitters book up fast, and as an ethical and moral responsibility, solo pet sitters shouldn’t take on more than they can handle, because in the end it will be the animals most affected.

🟣 STEP 2:

If we are both feeling comfortable with moving forward, we then would book an in-person meeting.

DOG BOARDING Meet & Greets are hosted in my backyard. During our virtual meeting, I offer a tour of the main areas of my home. I do not provide in-person walk-throughs of my home.


Meet & Greets are hosted in your home.

🟣 STEP 3:

During our in-person meeting we would go over all details of our service contract, insurance, and everything that is included within my offerings.

🟣 STEP 4:

We officially book! 😍




Additional Dog +$25

Designated Pick-Up & Drop-Off times are scheduled on a first come first serve basis, but must be scheduled in advance, with of course the understanding that delays occur.

If you are not able to arrange pick-up in the morning, on your dogs final day of boarding, it would only be fair to charge a daycare fee of $25.

Please coordinate your dog’s routine bathing before their arrival.

•• I do not accept puppies for boarding ••



$28 (30 min)

(Additional time after 30 minutes, +$15/30min)

For this particular service, I cater to many types of animals. Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Gerbils, you name it.

Extra time is highly recommended for timid pets that need just a bit more to warm up to new people. Or for pets that thrive with a bit more TLC to reduce stress. And especially for animals with health issues that require close monitoring.

There are two kinds of Drop-In Visits:

( 1 ) You are at work; on a day trip; New Years Eve party; you’re not gone for an extended period of time.

( 2 ) You are on vacation, or not home for multiple days at a time, and I provide care that meets your animals’ basic needs in order to ensure their comfort, health, and survival.

*** Both cost the same, and both require full transparency, so I can properly provide care that is aligned with your vacancy.

I require a minimum 30 min visit every day when you plan to be away for 2 or more consecutive days. My professional preference is visiting twice daily.

I will not substitute Drop-In care for when House Sitting or Boarding is actually required for the health and safety of your animal(s). Many animals naturally need more consistent care and attention. It really depends on an animal’s individual needs. Under estimating the amount of care an animal needs can be dangerous.


DOG WALKS (Private or household)


$28 (30 min)

(Additional dog +$15)


$35 (60 min)

(Additional dog +$20)

If you are looking for Off-Leash Adventures, we would have to discuss safety, insurance, and locations.



$80/night (includes 1 animal)

Additional dog +20

Additional cat +15

I stay overnight in your home, so you and your animal(s) can rest easy. As a Professional Pet Sitter my work hours can vary, during the day and into the evening. I will have other animals who depend on my availability for Drop-In Visits, Dog Walks, Training, Animal Enrichment, etc. while I am responsible for watching over your home and animal(s).



A copy of your pet's (up to date) immunizations (a clean bill of health) from your Veterinarian is required before our in-person consultation.

Consent is also needed to contact your Veterinarian’s office to confirm documentation. This will also give you the opportunity to add my name/information to your animal’s account, stating that your animal will be under my care while you’re away, incase of any emergencies.

• Rabies

• Bordetella

• Distemper/Parvo

• GREATLY encourage that your dog is on a regular flea/tick treatment.

• I also feel very strongly about a monthly routine deworming treatment.

*** Prevention is key to dealing with intestinal parasites. All all family members living with your pet can be affected, and this would include myself as well.

*** “broad-spectrum” anti-parasitics, particularly those that eliminate adult worms and larvae is highly recommended.

*** (Roundworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms, Whipworm, Single-Celled "Microscopic" Intestinal Parasites, etc.)

*** It is important to have your pet's stool tested, as recommended by your Veterinarian.



If your animal is showing signs of sickness before their stay, for example, diarrhea, vomiting, abnormal lethargy, rashes, etc. please understand that it is your responsibility to have a backup plan with a family member or friend who can take care of your pet. Under no circumstance, will I put any other dogs under my care (dogs boarding in my home) at risk of getting sick. If your animal is feeling better from being sick, and is on antibiotics or medications that are not their regular medications, I will NOT be able to accept your animal boarding request during this time of healing. Your animal must have a clean bill of health. Thank you kindly for respecting these boundaries. These rules have been created to enforce a happy and safe environment for every animal under my care.


Les services de Patricia

À votre domicile

Promenade chien
Le gardien viendra chercher votre chien à votre domicile et le promènera pendant au moins 30 minutes
15 CAD par animal supplémentaire
28 CAD
Une visite à domicile par jour
Réservez un gardien qui rendra visite à votre animal chez vous afin de le nourrir et jouer avec lui
28 CAD
Deux visites à domicile par jour
Deux visites à domicile par jour
50 CAD

Patricia offre aussi

Éducation canine
Ramassage / raccompagnement

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Modérée

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi 7 jours avant le début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.

La garderie de jour et les promenades pour chien ont toujours une politiue d'annulation flexible:

remboursement intégral si l'annulation est faite la veille du début de la réservation avant midi, Remboursement de 50% si l'annulation est faite après cette échéance .

Pas de remboursement si l'annulation a lieu le jourdu début de la réservation ou après.


Description exacte
Soins des animaux
Visites à domicile
Jeannette, 2023-07-08

Takes such care with our kitties

Visites à domicile
Jeannette, 2023-06-10

We were so lucky to have Patricia, our timid cats bonded with her right away.

Gave us peace of mind to know she was looking after them.

Very conscientious, trustworthy and kind

Fantastic sitter!

next page



Compétences Spécifiques

Je parle Anglais
+5 années d'expérience
Familier avec les techniques de dressage de chiens
———————————————————————————— Insured & Bonded by PROfur Insurance for pet care professionals———————————————————————————— Registered with The City Of Calgary (Working permit & Business Licence) ———————————————————————————— Certified Pet First Aid and Off The Grid safety through WalksN’Wags———————————————————————————— Member of Pet Sitters International (PSI) ———————————————————————————— Certified Professional Pet Sitter (CPPS) ———————————————————————————— Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP) ————————————————————————————

Expérience avec

Bénévole pour la protection des animaux
Sauvetage d'animaux
Problèmes de comportement




Provides Undivided Attention & Love

Une visite à domicile par jour
Visites de 30 minutes minumum à votre domicile
28 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs
Contacter Patricia

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Modérée

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi 7 jours avant le début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.

La garderie de jour et les promenades pour chien ont toujours une politiue d'annulation flexible:

remboursement intégral si l'annulation est faite la veille du début de la réservation avant midi, Remboursement de 50% si l'annulation est faite après cette échéance .

Pas de remboursement si l'annulation a lieu le jourdu début de la réservation ou après.

Réservez via Pawshake pour bénéficier de la Garantie Pawshake, l'assistance, de la garantie de réservation, des paiements sécurisés, aucun frais de dossier, aucun frais de modification, de l'envoi quotidien de photos et plus encore !

Contacter Patricia