My name is Haley I am 31 years old. I have been pet sitting since I was 13 years old, I would feed, walk, and play with my neighbours dogs when they would go out of town. I continue to pet sit animals around my town until I turned 20 and moved to the city. I have two pets of my own, a 7 year old husky and a 9 year old cat I also grew up with animals in the house my whole life. I will be happy to take care of your pets and they're every need. I work a 9-5 id be happy to come feed, walk and play with your pets anytime before or after work. A typical day of pet sitting a cat would include me going to visit them either once a day for minimum of 20 minutes, i will clean the litter, feed them and change their water and make sure they have toys out to play with and give them love as well as any other special care they might need. For a dog I will happily feed, walk them, minimum 20 minutes, change their water and make sure they get enough energy out to be able to relax the rest of the time until you're home. I have no restrictions against any type of animal, whether big or small, old or young. I love all animals and would be happy to look after yours.
Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi 7 jours avant le début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.
Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.
Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.
La garderie de jour et les promenades pour chien ont toujours une politiue d'annulation flexible:
remboursement intégral si l'annulation est faite la veille du début de la réservation avant midi, Remboursement de 50% si l'annulation est faite après cette échéance .
Pas de remboursement si l'annulation a lieu le jourdu début de la réservation ou après.
Great pet sitter!
Haley est excellente. Fiable et responsable. Je lui ai laissé mon chien pour 3 semaines et j'avais l'esprit et le coeur en paix. Je vous la rexommande fortement.