
my world revolves around the CATS

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Garde maison
Garde de 24h, à votre domicile
45 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs

À propos de Kanako

I am just a person who loves cat so much :)

I see them as my babies. I become basically an extended auntie for your furly family member:)

I clean the litter box and dishes every day as often and with as much love as I cuddle with them 🫶

I am more used to cat but I can take care of Doggies as well if your doggy isn't aggressive:)


Weekdays - usually after 5:00pm (can be discussed)

Weekends - prefer 10:30am - 6:00pm (can be discussed)

*Feeding as the preference or medical needs to be as

*Cleaning litter every visit to make sure the condition of them

*Condition brief report with pictures

*Brushing and playing with them as needed

I am originally from Japan.I moved to Vancouver in 2010. In my home back in Japan, there are also 2 lazy big mischievous cats with my parents. Both are close to 10 and mine here is only 3:) All of them are rescued cats.

I have never had dog as my own family member but I do go for a walk with friends ones:) I have no issues with cleaning up after them as well. Part of our life and health check up 😊

Little bit of my personal life is that I work as a AP specialist in a logistics management industry. Currently working at home so I can spend as much as time I want with my sweet cat :) Therefore u can be flexible for what your needs time wise.

Having to think of your loved family member left alone at home for whatever "humans" matters, it always breaks my heart. I always want someone caring and loving to take care of / be a good accompany of the 4legs animals while "humans" couldn't manage all the time. That gave me motivation to become one! Helping each other is just the start of good safe community build up :)

This is how much my world revolves around my pretty meow meow 😻;

Wake up to my cat morning wet food demand meow and her chewing on my hair

Making sure to bother her during the day time and wrap her with my oodie blanket and work together from home. She sometimes helps typing with me !!:) When she feels like it :)

Respond her intense meow command for the her dinner in a timely manner otherwise she won't leave me alone .... etc...🫶

She comes for attention so I grab her and give her so much love to the point where she gets sick of me:)

I would like to know everything uniqueness of your cats:) Any special request like hugs or leave me alone time etc :) I will serve the way they want !! :)

As a cat mama, I would like to accommodate the needs as much as I can so that your family won't be lonely.

Les services de Kanako

À votre domicile

Promenade chien
Le gardien viendra chercher votre chien à votre domicile et le promènera pendant au moins 30 minutes
5 CAD par animal supplémentaire
18 CAD
Une visite à domicile par jour
Réservez un gardien qui rendra visite à votre animal chez vous afin de le nourrir et jouer avec lui
18 CAD
Garde maison
Le gardien logera à votre domicile pendant votre abscence
45 CAD
Deux visites à domicile par jour
Deux visites à domicile par jour
35 CAD

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.


Description exacte
Soins des animaux
Visites à domicile
Rita, 2024-02-19

Kanako took great care of my two cats! I can truly feel that Baby and Sesame are happy with Kanako! Thank you for your carefulness and care for them so that they can still live a healthy and happy life during my absence. Looking forward to see you next time!


Les animaux de Kanako

Princess Fuzzy


Compétences Spécifiques

Je parle Anglais & Japonais
<1 années d'expérience
Cat mama for 13years :)

Expérience avec

Sauvetage d'animaux


Entretien téléphonique


my world revolves around the CATS

Garde maison
Garde de 24h, à votre domicile
45 CAD
Services additionnels et tarifs
Contacter Kanako

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.

Réservez via Pawshake pour bénéficier de la Garantie Pawshake, l'assistance, de la garantie de réservation, des paiements sécurisés, aucun frais de dossier, aucun frais de modification, de l'envoi quotidien de photos et plus encore !

Contacter Kanako